Lochnagar 1986

Today's the day ................................ for childhood memories

Son Rob phoned us tonight to tell us about his birthday trip away with friends last weekend.

On Saturday, they went for a walk at Loch Muick near Braemar. It brought back memories for him of a time when he went there with his Dad and brother when he was young. We've had pictures from this trip in a sort of collage up on the wall in the loo for many years so it was easy to recall some of the things that happened.

Rob was only three years old but he managed to climb right up to where you could look down on to the Corrie Lochan - in his red welly boots. He got a standing ovation from other walkers who had seen him up there as he reached the car park at the end of the walk.

I'm probably going to get into huge trouble for showing you this picture of him and his Dad - but hey, that's the sort of thing that Mums can't resist ............................

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