
By Realgrumpytyke

Tea with Sue and Simon - "very free range eggs"

At last, a really beautiful day - clear and crisp. My favourite short walk (2 miles to Bleach Mill House and back) beckoned with 'need some more eggs' a good excuse. I've mentioned before the 'honour system' for paying (extra 1). Having got my eggs and dropped £3 in the little house, I was joined by another egg seeker - Ruth - from the next village (extra 2). No sooner had Ruth left than owners of the house, a B&B, Sue and Simon appeared so I could sit and chat over a pot of tea. We talked of chickens (there are 48 of them running around and nicking your cake if they have a chance), Norway, planned holidays and, of course, the weather.
Sue serves drinks and home made cakes to passers by if she's home, the money going to a teenage cancer charity.
Dozens of potential blips but I've chosen Sue and Simon over a pot of tea. 
The third extra is on the walk back, just about to enter the village proper. I rarely 'do' landscapes now but had to show just how lucky we are.

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