RIP Brock

Found this badger on our walk to school with Lennon this morning. It's large but not sure if it's fully grown.
No sign of injuries but I suspect it had been hit by a car and made it's way to where I found it which is about 30 yards from the road.
As we mostly see foxes around our area I had suspected the nearby hole was a fox lair after they had taken over an abandoned badger set. I think this confirms it is still a badger set.
Met one woman with her dog who told me the set is causing some bother with her neighbour as the badgers are burrowing under his garden. I'd be happy to know my garden was protecting some wildlife, just hope he has nothing to do with the death of this badger.

On the way back I spoke to a Council worker who clears out the bins in the parks and he said he would call his manager and get the body cleared. There is always the danger that it might be carrying TB of course so if other animals started feeding on the carcass it could spread the TB.

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