
The first thing that’s remarkable is the response to being deep in the forest, yesterday. The Boss has been sent to Wellington as The Boss and Bossess had an election and he lost. I guess you could say he was “Trumped” Sorta. He was trying to get to all you wonderful folk but then his plane was leaving and now he has to rest up so he won’t go to sleep during the presentation he was sent to learn and report from. He does sometimes lead an interesting life.
Oh…This is Tiny reporting BTW….Which by the way stands for “Barking Through Wednesday” so he does not go to sleep….Right…(mini)
The picture is the Remarkables (A mountain range) as seen from Queenstown Airport this morning and there was even a bird in the tree but I think it took off, astheydo. AND then we took off too.
We flew “Grinder Class” today which is in an aeroplane with spinning bits on the front so I had a boring but uneventful time UTSIF  (Under the seat in front).
Out for a stroll around the Waterfront now. Wellington’s got a grrreat waterfront.


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