Hosta in the Rain

Yes the predicted 24 hours of rain has begun. At the moment its a light drizzle, just enough to leave droplets on the budding flowers of the hosta. It will get worse.

Its amusing me greatly that the rest of the world i.e. our English cousins have just cottoned on to the woeful effects of the Jet Stream. Mr Lif and I have been watching this phenomenon for the last couple of years as we have suffered equally dismal summers 'oop north while our comrades in the south basked in drought ridden sunlight. Never mind it will soon be the winter and the same Jet Stream will lock in blue skies and high pressure with any luck! I am hoping we dont have to wait that long to see blue sky though :)

First day back at work after the hols. Nuff said. Holiday schedule checked and including 10 days at the end of September and all of December I still have 4 days to take, plus about 30 hours of toil and a flexi day a month.....time to start thinking how to use it if it ever stops raining!!!

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