Lit up
This is one of CarbBoy's birthday presents which, happily, he has not yet shifted up,to his bedroom. Instead it provides an ever-changing display in the living room (well, every-day changing display anyway. It seems to be his current post-lunch activity of choice.)
School work this morning since the lovely computer fixing man has in fact fixed it so I can print and save and all the other things necessary to avoid me having to hand-write this month's bills. Later, much discussion of the physical laws surrounding shelving and, finally, a tentative purchase, some sawing, drilling and painting, and my shed shelves (Mark I) will be up tomorrow. More shelves follow, and then my beautiful shed will have to accept delivery of the huge heap of garden-related junk that is sitting under the stairs where, soon, we will be storing heating supplies.
Later, basketball with CarbBoy and a very long chat with my folks, whose very exciting news was that they've moved the sofa. Here the slightly less exciting news is that due to our rubbish time difference management, Mr B has an exam early.
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