Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Into the distance

This was the only shot I took today.  To prove the point that photos do not always tell the whole truth, let me say that this was taken while I battled against the force of storm Imogen determined that a bit of wind was not going to stop me walking.  Fortunately the gusts were trying to blow me off the road and not across it.  I worked from home today as well as preparing some materials for a U3A French conversation class that I have found locally.  A French friend phoned last night and we had an hour or so chat.  That was very welcome as I soon find that my ear gets 'untuned' when I return to the UK and it is a while since I heard any French spoken.  Still, there is no excuse with the internet as it is easy enough to tune into French channels and read French papers.

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