A confused genius

By Lez11

Do I open the wine?

My mate gem txt me last night asking if I'd sold my spare v-festival ticket as she knows someone who wanted it. Luckily I hadnt but I have now which will pay for my weekend at v-fest. I can't wait until v-fest and the line up is prity good (pic).

Work today a bloody hard work. As my managers away I have had to do everyone's periodic financial review. No wonder he gets p**sed off every period as some of the reviews were shockingly embarrassing. It makes my review every period look amazing. I have been stuck in a meeting room from 9am to 4pm and I didn't have any lunch.

Since getting back home I've been contemplating breaking open a bottle of wine to relax as I was to knackered to go to the gym. I did manage to do me chicken and gravey sandwiches for tea before I slumped on my sofa probably never to get up again, well not until tomorrow morning.

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