
By TheJuicyDoyenne

My Little Pony

Well, not really MY little pony. This sweet, furry little guy belongs to my next door neighbor but we visit frequently when I am out for my "daily constitutional."
On this particular afternoon he came right up to the fence and stood there for a while just peeking at me through the tree branches. 
I was a little disappointed that I couldn't seem to get a clear shot without fence and branch but I loved his shy stare and the way the distinctive golden light of a late Winter's day illuminated and gilded the entire scene.

there was a little pony he just loved to laze
roaming round the field  he just loved to graze
one day when he  was chewing on the grass so high
in between the grass he heard a little cry
there he saw a mouse the poor chap was stuck
he had trapped his leg somewhere in the muck
dont worry said the pony i know the thing to do
i will dig the soil away and free your leg for you
the pony  dug away till the mouse free
digging  very fast as quickly as can be
now the mouse was free and he said goodbye
the pony watched him walk away in the grass so high.

~ William Worthless, Little Pony

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