Inside the Cab...Inside the Bed

After church this morning (I was a Nazarene), I went to a car show. I've been to this particular show before, but...who holds a car show on Super Bowl Sunday? The city block they usually fill was perhaps half full. C'mon people...THINK!!

I like what this guy did to the inside of his truck cab with the license plates, plus, he has the mandatory fuzzy dice. And, my grandson would REALLY like what he did in the truck bed. All the little cars had their wheels glued in place, and even the tablet he had set up as the "drive-in movie" was up and running. Pretty cool.

Check out my extras for a few cars, and 2 boats. The big red boat is the Budweiser Formula One, and the new little tug boat has a HUGE price tag...63 THOUSAND DOLLARS!!

Watching the game now.

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