Lower Lanshaw Outlet
A day of catching up with myself. I feel like I'm a very long way behind. I'm getting worse and worse at dealing with the boring, shitty jobs of life when there is so much more important stuff to do - until those boring, shitty jobs actually become urgent enough that there is no choice! That's the point reached today!
I got out for a run in the morning and didn't quite make it out early enough to beat the showers. I caught a rare moment of sunshine at this point. Ten minutes later it was sleeting and snowing. It's incredibly wet on the moor. Indeed, I don't think I've ever seen the land as saturated as it is right now. It's hard to imagine it ever drying out ... but I'm sure it will.
NB For a bit of context, the crags you can see in the far distance (just right of centre) are those I blipped a couple of weeks back here.
And thanks so much everyone for all the love for yesterday's spooky hawthorn tree. As a few of you pointed out, there was indeed something Japanese about it. Amazing what a miserable drizzly day can still produce if you look hard enough!
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