
Getting to the show was a nightmare ! We got to with in 1mile of the show ground , to be diverted away to an emergency "park and ride". This had been a standing crop of wheat! until the weekend I will wager, the queue for the buses was so long we walked. We met up with our friends, and had an enjoyable day. During the late afternoon it started to drizzle, at this point we met up with Zara, who we had met at Bramham, this time I asked if could do a portrait and she agreed. I think you would agree a really bright moment on a grey day!
We got soaked leaving the show ground, but at least there were plenty of buses to take us back to the field. We got out of the field (having gone in my 4x4) and got home in good time to get on dry clothes and a hot drink. I do not know how the parking will work tomorrow, so if you go, go by public transport!! I will add some other shots from the show later and adda link.
So I am off now to the photo group, so take care one and all ;¬)

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