Life on the edge...

By bru22

Oh christmas tree...

So, as you can tell it isn't exactly Christmas... Although, I'm freezing and it is dreich so it may as well be, hello? Santa?!

After yesterday's ace blip I wasn't sure what on earth to blip today... How could I top that?!

As I was driving home from the Fettery Shoppe... (As my mum needed cheese so I went for a run in the car...) I remembered these wee chaps... Hundereds and hundreds of baby Christmas Trees. And thought, hey! I'll blip that!

This is just outside Fettercairn in Aberdeenshire, endless fields of Christmas Trees at various stages (presumably to get to various heights in time for December!)
boom boom CHHH *insert drum fill*

I'm not sure what my views on Christmas are. I'm not exactly religious. I just enjoy the holiday and spending it with family! A good ol game of Monoply and my mum's seriously amazing christmas dinner!!!

One year, which the local landlady of the pub hasn't stopped laughing about... My brother and I went down to the pub... On Christmas Eve (my grans birthday) as we do annually... We had a fair amount to drink... I drank the pub dry of port and my brother just drank the pub dry...!!! We, as did most others at the pub headed up to the church for the midnight mass... During one of the hymns... My brother... Had to excuse himself... From the middle of the row... Much to everyone's amusement (maybe not my mums!!!). I decided about 10 minutes later because he hadn't returned I would disappear after him and find out if he was alright... I found him back at the house hugging the loo!!

So since then, S (landlady) always mentions "that Christmas" the one where J had a communion round the loo!

I bought a gift for someone special today, and it has got me all excited and feeling christmasy!! I LOVE buying things for other people.

- Just remembered when Boo handed me the feather ear cuff - see yeaterdays blip... She said the words "Merry Christmas" weird...

Here's to Christmas. :-) In July! Why not! - I'm a bit unique! ;)

"Remember, if Christmas isn't found in your heart, you won't find it under a tree"
Charlotte Carpenter

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