Picture frame 2

These picture span the years from 1955 to 2008 and the locations are Elgin, Lincoln, Worcester, Thaxted, Grantham and Franz Joseph Glacier, New Zealand.
I’m in the top left photo with my mum and my auntie outside the George Restaurant in Batchen St, Elgin. It closed down in the mid 1960’s when my aunt and great aunt retired. So I doubt that any blippers will remember it.
We were on holiday visiting the relations and I’m clutching a present of new books, looking very pleased with myself. My aunt has poked her tongue out!! you can do that to your youngest brother (my Dad) when he’s taking the photograph.
I have found another frame which I bought several years ago, with great plans to do some collage style of picture. That never got done and I would approach what I want to achieve in a different way these days, so the frame is surplus to requirements.
So, frame no 3 will make an appearance the next time that I’m short of a blip, which just may be tomorrow, seeing as we have found pictures and B is on the case of printing them off and arranging them.

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