Just an average Weigh Station....
On any given day I will cross at least one of these while they are making sure I do my job. 99.9% of the time we just roll across, get back out on the highway and continue our day. Every once in a while a lazy driver doesn't do their job, equipment fails along the way or just at random we will get a red light and told to pull off the scale for an inspection.
While technically there are 5 level of inspections two are the most common. A level three is a paperwork check and a walk around the vehicle to see if anything obvious is wrong. The level one check is the one we worry about most because they (can) check EVERYTHING including going under the vehicle, opening the hood of the truck and trailer doors to verify load securement.
The smallest Weigh Station is the officers vehicle, a laptop and portable scales that can be set up anywhere at anytime.. These typically catch the most violations because of the randomness of them.
On the other end of the spectrum you have what drivers call "Super Coupes". Weight stations that have four or five lanes to weight trucks along with 10-12 indoor (all weather) inspection bays. Many of these are located near major cities where there is major truck traffic...
Back at work for another few weeks. Played in the snow this morning on Snoqualmie Pass headed to Idaho for morning...
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