Ma Sheen

As my Great Auntie MAry from Aberdeen would have said. For anyone who doesn't know that's how you'd say my shoes in Doric (or Aberdonian if you prefer). Despite living in London for over thirty years she was still the broadest Doric speaker I knew. Whenever Roz met her I had to translate for her most of the time. In fact one time whe we were in a restraunt up near Aberdeen she called over the young Abeydonian waitress and said "'Scuse me quine, 'is lamb's giy teuch" If I remember right the waitress needed a translation.*

She was a great character though, just for some reason when I was posting a picture of a shoe I was reminded of her expression for them.

Not the most exciting blip today, but I was in the house doing homework for my Professional Development Award all day while Roz and MAddy were in town. I've been wearing my DMs all day though so I thought I'd blip them. They are getting pretty comfortable now. They are just about broken in and it's been well worth the effort.

*It translates as "Excuse me miss, this lamb is awfully tough"

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