Faking it

I had an awful night, tossing and turning eventually I gave up and got up for a bit. I don't know what was making me feel more sick the itching from my current eczema flare or what ever it was that my tummy wasn't happy about.

Eventually made it up and fiddled with my hair then faked looked less like a zombie. Got dressed.
Got to the park and ride, swiped my travel card.
Then discovered the tram was delayed ... Too late to get back into the car as the money would have already been taken off my smart card.
Tram eventually arrived, made it into town, went to get work pass out of bag, er no pass.

Stop and have a good rummage in bag, yep no pass. Trouble is pass doesn't just get me into the building it also has laptop decrypt thingy and locker key (where laptop is kept).

By this point I was feeling less than impressed, pretty grumpy and I just wanted to go home. Manager with master key was out grabbing breakfast so waited for him and presented option of letting me grab laptop and I'd work from home or I'd attempt to log into the base station (we won't have that option much longer as they are taking them all away). I was allowed to go home thankfully as I really don't think I would have coped well in the office today.

However working from home has its own frustrations as the system decided to run very slow today. Still got my work done, got to pace myself and have two breaks (whereas in the office I would have only been able to have one as have to take into account getting home) and my commute to the living room at the end of my shift was pretty stress free ;)

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