
It's not only raining again, but I have to stay in for the delivery of a replacement dining room table.
Two months ago we complained that there was a crack developing at the edge of our expensive German table which we bought to fit the erstwhile sluice round turreted room in the Dower House.

The shop came and took photos to send off to the makers and they reluctantly agreed to replace it.
Now of course, after weeks of cold damp weather with no heating on while we were away in Orkney, the said crack has all but disappeared rather like the ailments which disappear on the day of the doctor's appointment..

The appointed hour has long passed and I am blipless, and so forgive me for posting a sketch of Greyfriars churchyard done several years ago for a painting which never materialised.
The alternative was a rose with no redeeming features, having seen rather better days. I empathise with how it would feel to be blipped.

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