Bad Parenting

But it's Friday just after work, and I got drenched on the bike, and it has been a long week. 

I wouldn't claim that cartoons are out of bounds for the rest of the week.  They aren't on that much, but they are definitely in bounds on Friday around 6.  

Anyway:  Friday.  I signed up to Apple music, a free trial for a couple of months, but I was thinking of not getting around to cancelling it out of laziness until about six months after the free trial ends.   On the one hand, it feels like a gross violation of privacy, but on the other hand, I love how their algorithm understands me.  

It has been feeding me a lot of Willie Nelson and a lot of Gordon Lightfoot.  This evening, I mostly enjoying a potato-peeling dance while listening to Julio Iglesias and Willie Nelson do 'All the girls I've loved'.  

Meant also to say - Pilot Brewery, just down the road.  They have made me a truly remarkable unfined Basil and Lemon beer. 

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