
By LottieOToole


Busy morning - four of us penned in a sheep in the middle of a field that needed treating. A few dives into the mud and false moves and I was lucky enough to grab her wool and hang on tight - we then sat on her to keep her still until Max came back with the quad bike and trailer so the ewe could be taken up to the shed for treatment.

Next a big group of us loaded loads of hay bales onto a flat bed trailer (see extra) six levels high. It was pretty fun and we had a good laugh climbing up the stack, chucking the bales around and falling down hidden holes. And then back to the Croft to unload which resulted in us becoming almost camouflaged with the hay bales. 

Then two helpings of shepherds pie and mince pie and cream for pudding. It was interesting talking to the farmer that owned the tractor over lunch, as he was telling us how much Glyphosate is used on crops such as potatos, and Roundup aswell.

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