
By TexMama

Smoothing Out The Bumps

We live on a dirt road so every few months the road grader comes out (extra pic) and smooths out the gravely, dusty surface...once in a while though, they come and dump new dirt/rock mix (probably because half of it blows away every time a vehicle drives along the road - and ends up in my house) - that's my excuse for the constant dusty appearance of my furniture anyway...
Today they were feeling particularly industrious - they leveled it all out with the road grader, then dumped some fresh stuff, and drove over it with a tanker that sprayed water on the surface.  And finally, they rolled over it a few times with this thing...it made the whole house shake and was quite annoying, but at least it was a good blip opportunity.

...I bet that man thought I was mad standing out there taking pictures of the activity, especially when I was sat in the road as he approached like some sort of 'save the bumpy road' protester (extra pic)  LOL 

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