Poorly bad.

Long time no blip! I have pictures on my camera to upload at some point - I've been playing with aperture and shutter speed and wotnot! I haven't posted but I am still taking part in the year of photo lessons thing and will eventually get round to showing what I've managed to do. It's good though - I'm finding the emails informative and straightforwards to follow so far.

I have also cleaned the chandelier in our bedroom and got my first proper client for my bookkeeping and accounting business since I last blipped :-D

Unfortunately I have not progressed very far with my 5000 word review of payroll systems and have not slept much this week due to the pictured Smallest who has had a cold/earache/chesty cough/fever since Monday night and has taken to my bed! The 2 may be interlinked.

We did see the GP tonight as Smallest was sent home from school and his temp is currently hovering around 40C WITH paracetamol and ibuprofen! We had seen the pharmacist yesterday to stock up, I popped back in today and mentioned the temperature and she felt it was time to call into the GPs next door for their opinion.

GP is confident it is viral but wanted to see Smallest just to check himself - he had asked if I had a medical background during our phone appointment from the information I was giving him and laughed when I responded with "no, just 4 children!"

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