Stick men

A day in Glasgow at 2 meetings. The first discussing the direction of travel for improvement work around the children's hearings system. Some good in depth discussion. Now time to reflect and plan further.

Then a joint session with the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration. SCRA and CHS have statutory obligations (as do I and the head of their organisation) to plan for our corporate parenting role.

How do we act with others to promote the needs and improved outcomes for those who are looked after frequently through no fault of their own. To assist us we had advice and support from some young people from WhoCares?Scotland. It led to some stimulating and creative discussion.

On getting back to Waverley I made my way to St Andrew's Square for the first night of a new lighting installation. The formal title is Keyframes but seems to be becoming known as the stick men. Part of the 2016 Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design.

I suspect it will become a common blip for those of us in Edinburgh.

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