
By Twitish

Morrisons' Monday

Morrisons' Monday is a 'big day' in the house of Love.

In fact if we don't go to Morrisons on a Monday, because say we have something better to do (watch paint dry, etc) Millie has been known to cry.

Now this is probably down to me. I have 'bigged' up having their tea in Morrisons to epic proportions because;

a) It means I can pick Jacob up from the bus stop and go straight there and do the shopping quickly(as it's always empty) whilst the kids wait for their tea - you know multi tasking to the extreme - I speed shop !!!!
b) I don't have to make their tea
c) They virtually give the food away ! - in the cafe, not the store ( no really they can both eat a 3 course meal for £4.50!! and it's bloody good - freshly cooked - not like other places.
d) It's got great blipping opportunities

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