
Lets get the boring bit over first - my migrating pains are the return of the Hepatic Neuralgia left over from Shingles! Decided to do a google search and on typing in a description of the pain the answer was found! As originally the pain was in my shoulder blade I didn't even consider the link, plus it's far more intense than anything I've had before. Oh lucky me! So knowing the cause I took some painkillers! Sorted for a few hours!
So mystery solved it was off to the shops for cherries for my drawing class cake! It was the one ingredient I thought I had - turns out it was the only ingredient I didn't have!! After relentless grey and wetness the sun was out and everything seemed so much better! En route I made a detour via Cotehele to photograph the snowdrops! I met an elderly couple who said they had thousands tumbling down a woodland bank at home - when I asked why they had come to see more they explained it was nice to have a different location! I only went as far as the entrance to the house and the snowdrops along the wall and the grass- one of the gardeners who passed me several times commented that "You're persistent, I'll give you that!" I was  mindful that the painkillers were giving me a false feeling of wellness, which is partly why I had not taken them before, when your body tells you to slow down I've learnt to listen! I have also learnt not to take too many photographs, I came for snowdrops, I got them, time to leave! Which is why you have croci as the main focus in my photo! Well, they were such a striking colour! 
Finally Drawing Class - what can I say? ! This week it was drawing the light! White chalk squares on black to start with, this week I had evenly spaced ones and they all looked like squares - progress! We were then all given a black and white photograph of an icon, it was placed upside down and we were to look at the shapes of light and draw those not the face! I ended up with a cadaver of Elvis Presley! No one guessed it was him!! After this is was back to my comfort zone - white egg on black paper - again draw using white chalk. All was going well until the teacher pointed out that I had left the surrounding of the egg and it's shadows black, when really they were a lighter dark than the egg shadows!!Major shading required! Walking back home I did complain to a fellow pupil about the fact the teacher kept telling me I could draw, I can draw but I do so badly and am well aware of the fact but know I can improve with practise and more knowledge, but I will always be a bad drawer! I see no point in skirting round that fact, it's not my medium! It reminds me of the book The Tiger Mum, who rejects a hand made card from her daughter, knowing she could draw far better and it was an insult to both herself and the mum. I celebrate the achievement of the individual, and know comparisons to others is  not  the point, but I also like to call a spade a spade and find false assertions both irritating and pointless. Tell me how to do better but don't blow hot air up my arse!!They did like my Cherry cake though - or were they just saying that?!!

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