Texann Times

By Texann

A Sweet Afternoon

This may seem like an odd composition but these are part of a very thoughtful gift I received today.  I had a lovely afternoon out with two fellow blippers; T who lives here and Ingeborg, who was visiting from Holland.  Inge and I have only communicated online up until today so it was wonderful to meet her in person at last.  We all walked around old town Tomball, took photos of some of the quirkier sights and then just HAD to stop in at the ice cream parlor.  Inge very sweetly came bearing gifts.  Not only did she bring me a pretty wooden tulip from Holland, but she had just been to Scotland and so also brought me a bag of Scottish tablet and a bag of Scottish fudge (that'll make Aliscotia jealous!).  Unless you have an excessively sweet tooth, you’d probably hate tablet (a sort of crumblier and sweeter form of fudge) - I love it!  Some of it was harmed in the taking of this photo.

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