Road from the airport back to town

The airport is close enough at 15 kilometers; no traffic problems getting there; and then there is the countryside to be admired.
Not too bad, I think.

I was wondering, too.

My daughter has heard today that her job as Senior Group Leader Candy Platform has been declared redundant.She has been with the company for the past 21 years and has seen many take-overs and changes.
Recently it was suggested that she take up a post in Europe which would have caused her to become the main bread winner for her family of four. Her husband, working in the legal sphere, would have to repeat or 'upgrade' his qualifications according to the standards of the new country, causing him to lose out on earnings.
Besides many local interests, also business interests, there is the children that will  be uprooted and will have to start all anew as far as school is concerned.
After all is said and done,  the o/seas financial situation will not be a gain for her!

So, the offer was declined (for many more reasons than I can name), the company made its decision, and no need to say what consternation and shock this outcome has brought.
Unfortunately, she does not belong to a union that can take her plight to task..

Fortunately she has many many years experience in this industry and something better may lie in wait for her. I am sure!
We'll just sit tight and see what the future brings.

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