Me and Debbie...
...otherwise known as Her Ladyship Deborah Russell-Whyte! She was my dog when I was a teenager/in my twenties. This shot was taken in the late 1970's sometime, but I took a photo of the photo whilst at my parents' today!
Debbie was a Jack Russell - Yorkie crossbreed, and such a fun dog! She loved to play and go for long walks, from which she would often return with something she'd found in her mouth. Once she tried to bring home a child's shoe from a display outside a shoe shop I'd stopped to look in the window of, and another time she tried to pilfer a packet of seeds from a rack outside another shop. Gone are the days that shops would just leave stuff outside! She brought a baby's dummy home one day! I'm sure it would have been one that had been lost by its rightful owner rather than stolen! She loved a cup of tea, and had her own cup to drink from, which didn't stop her from stealing other people's tea if they weren't careful!
I have to go to work tonight having swapped from yesterday as I knew I would be tired!
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