...and thank you
Today is less about my daily photo, rather its more about you. You see, There have been several people that have given me the impetus to, well, go on. Here are just a few:
Almost daily, I receive kindness from: "Booky", "DavidStebbing", "NLN", "mptpwennewitt", "onedavid", "sjb", "tracey50", and "sjb". I wake up in the morning to find a star, even when I didn't deserve one. The daily banter and cajoling makes me want to watch an old Monte Python episode...or maybe take a better photograph.
I would like to give extra thanks to "BasilePesso", "cirquenoir", and "marconorth". Each of these three have given me gentle nudges of encouragement at a time when I most needed it. If you have not checked out these ten artists, you are missing a wonderful treat.
Lastly, I would ask one thing...that anyone who has taken the time to read this rambling, also take the time to view the efforts of other photographers. If we were to all look each day, at the work of just one new person on this website, and give them the same encouragement as I received, it will matter.
Thank you.
Your friend,
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