By wellsforzoe

Food for the girls

1st February 2016:
We are enabling these girls to take up their places in this Government CDSS (Community Day Secondary School) in Choma, otherwise they would fail to attend.
Steve, our volunteer from Alaska, found out that some girls were hungry, so he arrived today to very happy recipients.
These are what are called self-boarders. They go home on Fridays, often walking up to 5 hours home and the same back some food, if they have it, on Sundays. It is really horrific, as they are targets for all kinds of nasties on the way, who often rob them and worse. These girls fight so hard for the little education they get.
This school has a version of a Girls Hostel that we are trying to assist, but no one admits to knowing what assist means (that they do the labour and we help) 
As with most of Africa, the Aid Business has made them dependant beggars, so they wait for some foreign idiots in the white jeeps to do it for them.
But that's not us. So progress with the hostel is slow and painful.
The girls are happy today and thankful for Steve's generosity.

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