
By ChrisGroucutt

Spotty Cat

We dug out the old board game of Pictionary tonight for a bit of family fun. Partly because why not? And partly because we've been a bit wary of late of the kids' time being consumed by their various digital devices, and figured we should insist on some classic analogue fun.

So, after oodles of years, we cracked open the box and reacquainted ourselves with this simple but good fun game. Turns out I'm just as hopeless at drawing as I've ever been, but somehow it doesn't really matter... it just adds to the fun.

By far the funniest moment though, was the littlest one having the subject 'Leopard' to draw... which she did splendidly. Although her mum could only guess that it was a 'spotty cat' to the intense frustration of the little artist.

From now on... all leopards are hereby named Spotty Cats.


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