All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Down on t'farm

Foreveryoung, Eden and Granny stayed overnight last night. No hubbie though as he was braving the mud at T in the Park this weekend.

Granny and I took Ethan to Almond Valley Heritage Centre just before lunch. After lots of bouncing on the nutty bouncer, digging in the sandpit and a few shots on the go-cart with me (killer on the old legs with a toddler straddled over you), we went to their tea shop for lunch. Ethan was so well behaved - so good to see he can sit and eat nicely in public!

We then took him into the soft play but we seemed to spend more time running in and out the toilets with him than actually in the soft play frame as every few minutes there would be a cry of "more pee pee mummy"! We then had to nip over to Bathgate to pick up a mattress from the Foreveryoung household and had to stop half way for Ethan to sit on the potty on a grass verge. After 10 minutes of sitting there with no action, it was clear he was more interested in car spotting than actually doing anything! So over to Bathgate we went, only for him to have an accident once we got there. He was so upset poor wee thing. But he's doing so well - no wet accidents for the past 3 days so we clearly just need to work on the other!

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