a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Elbows and Knees

Mono Monday: Light

"The sun is a light bulb
A candle's a treat
The curtains stay closed now
On my little retreat
And I'll only take medicine
If it's followed by sweets
A sickly pink liquid
That puts me to sleep
My head beats a better way
Tomorrow a better day
And I can watch TV
While I'm wrapped up in bed
And mother makes sure that
I'm watered and fed
My best friend from school will
Come over and stare
At me in my bubble
Of germified air
When I'm asleep the smoke fills me
I feel the heat
My illness leaves me
The sun is a light bulb
A candle's a treat
The curtains stay closed now
On my little retreat
But after a while
The noise from the street
Is making me wish I
Was back on my feet"

Porcupine Tree - Lightbulb Sun

This shot of an angle poise light is my contribution to Mrs Linda's Mono Monday challenge on the subject of "light".  I've always loved the design of the anglepoise, even before Pixar got hold of it - there is something very satisfying about the way the thing works.  Simply put, it does its job very well (although it clearly borrows from the design of the elbow/knee)  :-)

I seem to have been fighting off a bug all day, and I'm definitely starting to feel a bit shivery now.  So Porcupine Tree's song of what it was like to be ill as a child seems somehow very appropriate for this evening.  I shall take myself off to bed in a  minute and hopefully it will just turn out to be a nasty cold.

This shot was taken with a 50mm lens and a long exposure.  I've invested in some black card for blipping still life shots like this and I'm rather pleased with the end result.

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