
By bananablip

Mooching Monday

We were joined on our lunchtime walk today by the lovely Lucy (Ndola Camera Club reunites!) and it was a lovely sunny day, although a tad blustery at times. 

The bulk of our time was spent mooching around the famous Birch’s Hardware Store, which is sadly closing down and looks fairly abandoned now, compared to it’s former glory days. No sign of spades, buckets and bunting adorning the building, although that might have been due to the weather, of course. We found a delightful old fuel pump (see extra picture) and bits and bobs of every variety. 

In the end, I chose this accidental photo of SS for my blip. She won’t like me for it, but I love it.

I overslept this morning (unheard of) which left me in a blind panic which was entirely unnecessary and I made it to early morning prayer with time to spare. It was great to pray with our college students as town came to life.  This flurry of excitement led to a wonderfully productive morning of getting reports and applications sent off. 

The feet have been itchy today (more than usual) and I have pondered going to visit friends in either Denmark or South Carolina. Must get that passport sent off.

Currently wondering if the wind is a valid excuse not to run tonight.

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