After hours visit

Today after pre school I noticed Lincoln limping and crying when he bent over. After some joint movement tests I decided it was his right hip that hurt. Pre school said nothing of note had happened and there were no marks at all so I decided that a trip to the after hours would be best.

5.10pm call Nana to catch her on her way home from work so she can come with us (daddy has kung fu and I can't be present for an xray).
5.50pm arrive at after hours and get seen by triage nurse then regular nurse.
7.00pm seen by doctor and an xray is recommended. Lincoln now too sore to walk.
7.30pm xray time. I sat outside where I could hear the wee man screaming and calling my name.
8.15pm xray results and follow up with doctor. No breaks and no other physical signs of damage so a sprain was diagnosed.
8.30pm emergency stop at subway on the way to meet Daddy and Poppa at home.
9.15pm very late bedtime for the little man!
10.00pm very tired mummy, but Lincoln can't go to pre school tomorrow so maybe we'll get to sleep in.

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