
Today is our 2 year Ibiza anniversary! 2 years ago we finally arrived in Ibiza, after several days travelling and two long and choppy ferry journeys...our life packed into suitcases & our hearts in our mouths! 
It's been an incredible journey, and I'm SO glad we're here...and we're only just at the start...

This morning we met up with the Claytons, we drank Cava and ate chocolate, and looked a bit odd to the passers-by...but I reckon a few of them would have liked to have joined us!

Then this afternoon Asha and I made Danny's birthday cake in readiness for tomorrow - lemon drizzle with candied lemon on top. Plus Asha made him a card, but, bless her, she drew the design inside, so we've written his message on the outside...an hilarious 4 year old birthday message!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Celebrations! It was SO good to really mark today and to enjoy it...
2) Fun with the Claytons - lots of laughter (could have been the bubbly?!).
3) Watching, and being part of, Asha's excitement for Danny's birthday! She's definitely a girl who likes a good celebration too! 

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