A Sheffield man's journey

By sheffman2

A prayer

I suppose I posted this just to show you that even at work, when its prayer time, 5-10 mins are taken, where ever and whatever you're doing.
I like this because it shows life as it is in the ME (Middle East), life for the working Muslim.
I've been asked my religion in many parts of the world, for those of you here who wish to know I'm a Christian, not a good one, but hey, we all have our faults in life lol
As an old wise Irish man used to say on TV, may YOUR god be with you (Dave Allen) he was, a great comedian
Funny how some people get all funny about religion, my true motto in life has always been, Its nice to be nice, until you just can't be anymore, then, well, you'll not like me ;-p

I thought I would just add, a common misconception is that they pray always facing East, I also thought this because he is not facing East, they pray in the direction of Mecca, where ever that may be in relation to where they are in the world.

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