Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Ancient relic….

In 2004 I bought a portable memory picture player - not this one.  Mine was from LCE (London Camera Exchange) and from a little known manufacturer in Cambridge (I think).  It was for my first trip to Australia and was the only way I knew of affordably storing lots of pics and using a portable viewer.  Sadly it was a total bag of cr** and I lost all my pics from Singapore and the first two weeks in Australia when the useless machine locked solid whilst on holiday.  Quickly solved the problem by buying very expensive CF cards for storage.  Came home, complained bitterly but the pics were lost.  As compensation LCE sent me this wonderful £350 Epson storage device and I used it for a few years.

Going through some boxes today I found it again.  By today's standards it's archaic even though it still works very slowly - so it's destined for the dustbin.

How time moves on.

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