Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The look of love

We went 'round to our old friends around the corner, people who (in the case of Mr Bear) you've know for nearly four decades and knew Aged P and  all her wonderful eccentricities. Mr Bear took this lovely shot with my little Panasonic Lumix. It says everything you know about TSM's love for me and all the support she has given me in recent weeks and in particular the last forty eight hours since Aged P died.

Most of our day was taken up with getting ready for The Girl Racer's return - cleaning out the spare room and ordering a new mattress so that her and The Backflip Boy have a comfortable room. The coffee table we had ordered from Habitat was totally wrong for the dining room but looks fab in our cosy study. 

Felt so tired by the end of the day - all catching up with me a bit now. Just hoping we can get the funeral organised on Monday, the funeral directors say it is very busy at the moment and crematorium slots are booked some weeks ahead.

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