Light (?) homework

In the afternoon arranging all kind of stuff, today, found new (actually old good) curtains to the kitchen and decorated it into winter mode. For that I of course had to drive to the local flower shop to find a new flower-victim... Well, actually I bought two flowers (and also on my way some new sleeping pillows, toilet paper, a mid-seasons-jacket for me from sales, some salad, cucumber..)

The flowers are an orchid Phalaenopsis hybridin and a Stephanotis floribunda

Our daughter left already in the morning back to Helsinki, and as hubby is still working on the other side of the country, we have had quality time with our son. Just two of us and he of course has plenty of school mates around in the internet playing games and making groupworks etc... So different world it is as in my youth - but I am happy as both teens are social now and have friends around!

Anyway we also went to gym togheter with my son. It was quiet and we spent an nice hour monkeying around there.

So slippery outdoors. Icy streets are ok for me to walk now, though, as I have new steel stapled walking shoes. Very convenient inded - if only I walk wearing those shoes every time!

It has been a relaxing weekend, which is good as next week will be very busy working...

But sunday evening will be time for the blipworld

See you,


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