Alison and Hannah

Oh blimey, it's been a fabulous day. We had breakfast until middayish then went a walking out in the sunshine round the shops and stuff. I bought some fine super posh sunglasses I have been wanting for ages that they don't sell in Sussex, a nice present for Daisy, leprechaun tat for Will and a mighty fine gift for Jay. (One if those may not be true but it seems wrong to dash hopes before I actually get home). Our lengthy breakfast saw us right though to dinner when we are lovely seafood ( ignoring the fact the Katie doesn't like seafood) and drank salted caramel espresso martinis which Hannah said weren't as good as I made. And apparently my flight home is of a stupid early time in the morning so I am forcing everyone else to get up for breakfast early ( not everyone in the hotel, I don't have those powers, just the ones I know).

And we have talked about happy and sad stuff, mainly happy. It has been a simply brilliant day. I look ever so swish in my new sunglasses and it may be 2:30am. (I don't have my new sunglasses on right now, that would be ridiculous)

I do love my friends.

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