
By Beewriter

What are you looking at?

Oh my goodness, what a super duper day I have had! I was up at the crack of sparrow fart to catch the train to London...and there to meet me was the lovely LadyG. (She always has to meet me because I'm an utter baby when it comes the tube).

We headed off to the V&A to ogle the divine footwear in the Shoes Pleasure and Pain exhibition. There were hundreds of other people there and we had to queue and jostle to see everything, but oh my, it was brilliant. There were some weird and wonderful shoes and we really wanted to try them all on...oh except for the teeny tiny baby sized Chinese squishy squashy foot bound torture footwear! There were heels to die for...and if I tried to walk in them, to die in. There were platforms you could touch clouds in. There were old, there were new, there was every colour and was really, really worth all the crowd crunching.

Every blipper knows that on a blip meet it is the absolute law that you eat cake...and being the good girl I am...I ate cake. That bad LadyG had fruit....don't worry blip mates I will slap her for all you law abiding blippers. Lol

We mooched around the park near the Albert Hall and took plenty of pics and then headed home. Now she is making me watch The Voice....aaaaaargh!!

And tomorrow? ......more fun to come. :))

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