
By cowgirl


As Sav's away this weekend, I decided to go up to the stables and give a couple of the ponies some TLC.

Alex was first and he seemed to enjoy the attention today, as did Jed, a youngster owned by my boss who just needs some playing with to get him used to being handled. Apparently I should adopt him because we have the same hair colour!

After that I took a prescription that I had accidentally torn up and stuck back together with sellotape, to the pharmacy. They were fine with it and sorted me out a 3 month payment deal. As I currently have 3 items on prescription ( 2 for migraines and one for a blocked Eustachian tube ) it would cost me £24.60 a month but with the 3 month deal I paid £29 and can order all three items each month. After that I shouldn't need all three, but it's good to know that deal's there should I need it again.

Spotted a car like one that a friend owns so rang her to see if she was somewhere in the village, but she wasn't. However we arranged to meet half an hour later for coffee, with which I had a piece of tiffin.

Then I continued on to the farm, playing with the kids and chatting to their grandma, mum and aunty. The kids were having friends over for dinner ( well, their parents were, but there would be more kids going along too ) so they went home and those of us left behind had a much quieter egg and chips dinner!

It 9.30pm now and I'm off to bed as have been up since 3am with a migraine, which caused a bit of throwing up in the early hours because I haven't taken any anti-migraine pills for over 2 weeks. ( I ran out because I was asked to see a doctor before being allowed another repeat prescription and I didn't allow myself enough time to get an appointment before running out of pills. In my defence, I didn't think I'd have to wait two weeks before they could fit me in! ). Tomorrow is supposed to be cold and wet, so I'm planning a catch up on Blip day. It will be nice to see you all again!

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