Satisfying, strolling Saturday

Is there a more joyful sight on a Saturday morning than a plate full of eggs, ready to be eaten and a Saturday Guardian, ready to be read? The answer is no.

Our original plan was to climb up to Rodney's Pillar but, alas, the footpath was closed due to shooting (birds, rather than homicide). We ended up spending a couple of hours exploring routes around the old racecourse near Oswestry. We bounded through mud, crawled under fallen trees, leapt over streams and got lost a few times. It was icy cold at times with a brief flurry of snow and then for brief moment the long forgotten sun warmed our backs. We found abandoned wrecks of walled gardens and heard the distant bleating of newly birthed lambs.

We earned ourselves a coffee and a sandwich at the parent's new favourite cafe and then collapsed in front of the fire to read.

What a wonderful way to spend the day.

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