
By Neale55

still no signal...

Having spent over 30 of the last 48 hours asleep in bed, decided to go to the local town with the N tribe early this morning, coffee before the Ns went shopping, me seeing if I could get a blip whilst waiting. Saw this workman on the tower platform obviously maintaining the mast but on his 'phone. Thought "one way to get a signal" smiling to myself.

90 seconds later get accosted by a scruffy tyke in a yellow jacket and carrying a radio barrelling across the pavement "Can I ask why you're taking photos?" "Yes, you can" I said
He repeated the question. "Why?" I ask.
"'Cos you've been seen on CCTV taking photos"
"Why shouldn't I?"
I can now see the conflict in his eyes, thinking now what does he thinking 'bloody quick, I only took one'
I can see his panic raising so I hits the review button and turned the camera towards him. He then gets a call on his radio "he's outside Wilko's". Reply "I'm with him now, its a photo of a man in a hopper''"
Radio - "oh that's ok then"  (if they could see me, why couldn't they see their guy). I then realised he was with some others, not adorned in yellow . He must have been leader today...
Anyway, off they trooped. I carried on wandering taking photos of anything  and  everything just for the hell of it. Glad they could ignore all of the unsocial behaviour in town to pick on an old man pointing a camera into the sky...

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