
By Travelingkiwi


Thank you every one for the comments and good wishes, you will be pleased to know that I have 8 cuttings of the little rose out of those I hope to at least get one so a big thank you to Miffy and snowy for instructions on how todo.
On our way home it was wet misty, I had seen a few photo's that I could have taken but to be honest I couldn't be bothered today is the first day since we have been home that I picked up the camera, it took ages to pack away the bits and pieces that we brought back from Amberly yesterday I checked out the orchard, the first lots of Apricots had been picked and bottles by my friend rosemary we split the booty, I started on the second Apricot tree today and will pass some of those onto Rosemary as well.
The watering system has packed a sad so tomorrow bruce and I will repair the damage lines and sprinklers.

We have decided to cancel our Kiwi trip for the moment as we are not really in the mood to travel, so will spend the time getting the garden in order. I am trying to decided weather or not to have a break from blip, so if you don't see me for a while I am just having a break.

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