Blip Book
I had the hugest of sleeps last night. After years of not reading, I’ve now taken to being a bit of a book addict before switching the light out. Not last night. I was almost asleep before I stepped on the bed. I woke up after a deep sleep hoping it wasn’t to far into the dawn hours and it was twenty to midnight!
This morning, of course, I’d slept so heavily, I couldn’t wake up - bizarre how that happens. I was up in time for a postal delivery… My latest Blip Book!
I mentioned a little while ago how I was putting it together and waiting for a promotion which I finally received. I couldn’t be more pleased. This morning was perfect for sitting and going through it page by page. The quality is wonderful. I’m not that observant with colour but for those considering using Blurb, I think some of the brighter yellows aren’t there but maybe that’s because you can’t quite reproduce that on a printer or perhaps it’s the glowing light from a screen. But, I’m immensely satisfied with it and will most certainly use them for my next one.
I didn’t really need much more encouragement to carry on with Blip; I am an addict. However, it has given me much pleasure recounting moments in the year and that’s really what I’ve discovered Blip is all about for me… saving a special feeling in the day to be rekindled another time through a photo - be it a view, special light, an event or an encounter with nature. I know it makes me live more in the moment day-by-day too so it’s a jolly fine thing Blip continues.
So, my very special thanks to the BlipFour who are spending a huge amount of time making this happen.
Today’s moment was a roaring blue sky and gorgeous light across the moors. Despite it blowing a hoolie, it was quite magnificent and most definitely woke me up.
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