Houton Pier

Boats travel from Houton Pier to Flotta, Lyness and Longhope, but not today.  The hydro has dipped a few times so I am taking this opportunity to Blip now.  CMC has also taken the opportunity to put a batch of cheese and onion pasties in the oven.  The stove has been lit and all three cats are purrrrrrrrrring.

I just went to the Sheeps Hoose (wind assisted) to give them some hay and nuts

The winds are just starting to rise now.  Scapa Flow is relatively well sheltered {although we have lost sight of all of the seven islands we normally see) hence one reason it was the site of the Home Fleet.  I certainly wouldn’t like to be in the Atlantic or the North Sea at the moment.  We have had a lot of overnight rain - snow is forecast.    All schools are closed, all flights cancelled and all ferries cancelled. This is all I am allowed to tell you.  Baz will be issuing no further statements.

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