It's a jungle out there..

Our garden has run away with us again this year, especially with all this rain. We have plants waiting to be planted, tomatoes in small pots that should be in grow bags, runner beans that have drowned (planted in an unsuitable container when the weather men were threatening a drout), kale heading for the sky, salad leaves looking like an ornamental shrub, raspberries going mouldy on the branches (though we've had plenty that haven't). Yep, this rain has been great!
All the little things you notice when you're out in the garden in the nice weather have been going unseen whilst we shelter indoors from the monsoons..

Ah well - I managed to just pick a handful of broad beans, peas and a couple of beetroot, along with some smaller bits of mental kale so we should get to eat some of the fruits of our lack of labour this evening.

In other news I feel like I have a hangover. A grotty, sleepy, nauseous one.
I didn't drink anything yesterday though!! BAH. Baby steps with getting things done today I think.. Do a bit, sit a bit.

In other, other news, yesterday I finally made the bag that came with my Cath Kidston Sew book that I was given for Christmas. I'm quite proud of me as sewing machines and me don't get on very well. It's only a bit wobbly and there was only a teeny bit of swearing!

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