What a great present

Although I was encouraged by atolluk to have a lie in this morning, the boys and my own habits had me out of bed and on the road early. If I thought it was chilly yesterday; today was the hardest frost I've experienced for some years. Nothing much to those who live further south, but cold enough. Got my required photo (and more) while running.

After a telephone call from the Blue Mountains from tsuken, I had a leisurely morning, while S organised a midday roast dinner for us. Beautiful sunny day, warm in the sun and little wind. Winter like this is pleasant.

Late in the afternoon the builder's apprentice (they are replacing a collapsing fence for us) said how much he liked working at the beach house. And the reason he gave was the dolphins he could see from the new deck.

Mother-in-law often spies them and neither S nor I has seen them in all the years. Today, we were treated to a magnificent display by a pod of 14 or 15 were counted by S and daughter C. Jesafly and I had our cameras as well as watching, and didn't count. Moved off the deck to the edge of the cliff, as they swam south east. They look a little bigger than the common dolphin, and J has found out that there is a pod of 15 orca in the area.

Although I managed one (almost) in focus picture of one leaping, I picked this one in consultation with S because it shows the presence of ten or eleven, and the probability of others below the surface, as well as including a tuft of leaves from one of the trees on the cliff edge. They were just below and out a bit.

I enjoyed this present very much.

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